Name: Sara Engelhardt
First KAtCH event:
I think it was a dinner/potluck at someone's apartment (I think this was back around 2015).
Where did you grow up/Where do you live now?
Tell us about yourself:
I was adopted from South Korea as an infant and grew up in Wisconsin. I was able to participate in a Korean dance group as a child with other adoptees. My first trip back to Korea was during a study abroad trip in college. I am currently the Bookstore Coordinator for KAAN but have been fortunate enough to volunteer with KAAN as Speaker Coordinator in prior years.
You’ll likely KAtCH me doing the following:
Anything craft related (crocheting, knitting, sewing, etc), traveling and hanging out with friends.
Why do you enjoy being involved with the KAtCH community?
I appreciate KATCH for providing a consistent place to connect with others. I enjoy being able to meet new people and catch up with old friends.