Name: (Kim)berly Langrehr 

First KAtCH memory: I recall meeting with the other two co-founders of KAtCH for the very first time at the 2008 IKAA Mini-gathering in Las Vegas.  

What inspired you to create KAtCH: Following the mini-gathering in Vegas in 2008, we were motivated to create a sense of community for adoptees in the Chicagoland area.

Where did you grow up/Where do you live now? I grew up in a rural area of Western Wisconsin but now consider Chicago home.  

Tell us about yourself: I’m a Korean American transnational adoptee; educator, researcher, and psychologist.  

Hobbies: Giggling, eating, being silly, connecting, and happily existing.

Favorite restaurant(s) in Chicagoland: I have multiple favorites...there are too many to choose from. Lately, I’ve been loving Jibek Jolu, 016, Sabri Nihari, and of course, anywhere where I can get Korean fried chicken.